Thank God it's Monday Devotional 5
by David Joynt on September 08, 2022
EPHESIANS 6:7 | 7 Render service with enthusiasm, as for the Lord and not for humans.
How can we tell we are working for God? When we work for God we expect His strength to full us and His guidance to lead us in our daily tasks. We integrate work concerns into our prayer time and prayers into our work time. Work roles never define us as people, because even in our roles we serve a greater power and purpose than any company or school or enterprise could provide. There is also an opportunity to be enthusiastic and whole hearted, rather than merely dutiful or even minimalist. We can do this even when work conditions or supervision experiences are less than optimal, because we know God sees and approves our efforts. In a world of entitlement and selfish ambition, this kind of attitude will stand out.
Which of these characteristics and practices describes you?
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