The Other Jesus, Part 2, Week 3, Day 6
by David Joynt on July 20, 2018
“A wicked and adulterous generation asks for a miraculous sign, but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah.”
This saying of Jesus is a reference to his death, burial, and resurrection. Just as Jonah was three days in the belly of the whale, so he will be three days in the darkness of the tomb before overcoming death. The Resurrection was a validation of Jesus’ teaching and ministry. It authenticated him, demonstrating that his claims were true, and his identity divine and unique. Even after it occurred, the majority of the Pharisees and Sadducees were not convinced. God has given us the frightening power to resist his revelation, to stand against his truths, and to refuse his invitations.
Gracious God, soften the hearts of everyone I know who has resisted your truth and not discovered your call. Help me to show your love and compassion in ways that open the hearts of the proud and resistant. I ask in the name of the Risen Lord. Amen.
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