The Other Jesus, Part 3, Week 2, Day 3
by David Joynt on July 31, 2018
LUKE 12:51
Do you think that I have come to bring peace to the earth? No, I tell you, but rather division!
Here is our hard saying! “Do you think I’ve come to bring peace on the earth?” Well yes we do, Lord! Your birth was announced by angels who announced “peace among these whom God favors.” You called your disciples to be peacemakers, overcoming division and strife. (See Luke 2:14 and Matthew 5:9.) You prayed for unity among your disciples in your final prayer in John 17:11, and in your Resurrection appearances you gave your distressed disciples the gift of your peace. (John 20:19)
Yet here Jesus says, “No, I tell you, I came to bring division!”
Prince of Peace, grant us your peace, Lord, which passes understanding. In a world of trouble and dis-unity of harsh words and deadly conflict, let us be vessels of your reconciliation, bridge builders, and relationship menders. May our community be knit together in truth and love, deep enough to share the world a more excellent way. Amen.
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