The Other Jesus, Week 1, Day 3
by David Joynt on June 05, 2018
This connection between identity and authority is something we recognize everyday. We don’t treat health advice from the UBER driver with the same seriousness as the analysis of a doctor. We don’t ask an Inuit questions about Madrid—we ask a Spaniard. We consult a fashionista not a physicist about wardrobe issues. Authority comes from identity and experience.
Now it is often possible to separate a teacher and her message, of course, and to consider the truth of her claims apart from her identity and experience. Truth claims are more than simply claims of personal authority, they are statements about the way things really are. But in the case of Jesus this cannot be done because so much of his teaching is about his identity and authority.
What do you make of the two claims in our two verses from John?
Who do you turn to for advice? (Beyond Mr. Google)
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