The Other Jesus, Week 1, Day 7
by David Joynt on June 09, 2018
One implication of Jesus’ teaching about his body and blood is that our commitment to him must be unequivocal and complete. We cannot be his true disciples if we reserve areas of our lives that exist apart from his authority. But the other side of this intimidating demand is the special connection that he establishes with us through the sacrifice of the cross, and the gift of his spirit. The eating and drinking image is one that shows an indissoluble connection. The New Testament is full of this language of connection. Paul speaks of being “in Christ”. John’s vine and branches image is also one of organic connection. The goal and the means of Christian living is not to simply imitate Jesus but rather to allow him to live in and through us, his power animating our actions, his character forming our decisions, his love flowing through our hearts toward others. Jews believed that “life was in the blood”. Christ wants his life to flow within us.
When do you sense a oneness with Christ?
How do you foster this?
Pray that the life of Jesus will be evident in your lives today.
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