The Other Jesus, Week 3, Day 4
by David Joynt on June 20, 2018
What do you get in trouble for? There are good and bad reasons for generating social opprobrium, for coming under criticism. A life that is never criticized may be a life that is lived too cautiously, dictated too much by the reactions of others.
Jesus was criticized because of his friendships and his work with the unreligious, the destitute, the possessed, the quarantined, and those who by race or background were considered outside the scope of God’s concern. His Messiah-ship, in fact, was discredited in the minds of many because of his company: “He eats with sinners!”
I usually get in trouble for the wrong reasons; breaking a legitimate rule, exaggeration, inattention, etc. How different my life would be if I got in trouble for reasons of love and compassion!
When did you last get in trouble?
When have you gotten in trouble for the “right reasons”?
Tell a story from your life about getting in trouble for the right reasons.
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