The Other Jesus, Week 4, Day 1
by David Joynt on June 24, 2018
An unforgivable sin? Jesus teaches forgiveness with a depth and consistency which shocked his contemporaries. Rabbis in the first century, knowing the God of Israel was “long suffering and abounding in steadfast mercy,” taught disciples to forgive three times when offended. Peter doubled the number and added one to make seven as a suggestion for the limit to exercising forgiveness. Jesus taught us “to forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.” Our Lord suggests 70x7 as a “limit,” in effect refusing to allow his followers to nurse wounds, hold grudges, or withhold forgiveness.
How forgiving are you?
Do you keep a scorecard of wrongs?
Pray the Lord’s Prayer together. What does it mean to forgive our debtors?
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