The Pursuit of Happiness Daily Devotional -20
by David Joynt on January 22, 2021
Philippians 2:17 | 17 But even if I am being poured out as a libation over the sacrifice and the offering of your faith, I am glad and rejoice with all of you.
Sacrifices are offered and disappear. A lamb is burned, a wine or grain offering is given and then it is gone. Paul pictures his investment of love and friendship and prayer and time with the Philippian friends, as like an offering. Our lives are brief and then they end.
But daringly, Paul believes that when we encourage faith in others it will bring a deep and wonderful joy. We will know we have not worked and lived in vain.
When we learn to be joyful in helping others grow and persevere, we discover a satisfaction that exceeds any excitement we feel at our own success.
Paul rejoiced in a Roman jail. Have you ever found reasons for joy in hard times?
Who are you sacrificing for?
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