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The Upside Down World, Week 4, Day1

by David Joynt on October 01, 2017




 2 SAMUEL 12:1-13


Do you enter in to scripture? Do you activate your imagination and emotions when you read or hear it? If not, you are missing some of the Bible’s intended impact. Biblical material is unlike a manual or set of instructions because it is a vehicle of personal renewal and connection. You and I must find ourselves in the story! Otherwise, we gain information but do not achieve transformation. To see this truth, think about the encounter between David and the prophet Nathan.


Nathan might have lectured David about the evil he had committed with Bathsheba against Uriah. But David already knew murder and adultery were wrong. Instead of “explaining,” Nathan engaged David’s emotions through a story and then connected it with his own behavior. David’s heart was changed.



Do you look for yourself in the biblical story?



Can you sense David’s emotions when Nathan places him in the story?




Talk about what imagination is and how your children use it.

Share why imagination is important in reading scripture.

Read the passage together and discuss.


Tags: adultry, murder

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