The Upside Down World, Week 5, Day 1
by David Joynt on October 08, 2017
This passage has some tough teaching. Jesus’ toughest teaching is predominantly for disciples. Sometimes we become so upset about the state of the world beyond the church, we become dismissive. Then we must recall two things. Jesus came to help sinners, and he had compassion for those who were lost and confused. And we must also recall his hardest judgement was reserved for leaders. In Matthew, he says “if you lead a little one astray, it would be better to have a boulder tied around your neck and be thrown into the sea than to have to deal with me!” Here the pound is taken away from the one who doesn’t increase it, and he is condemned as “wicked.”
Why is Jesus tough on leaders?
Why does judgement begin with the “household of God?”
Do we expect more of children as they grow in understanding and ability?
Does God also approach us in that way?
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