The Upside Down World, Week 7, Day 3
by David Joynt on October 25, 2017
The mustard seed parable emphasizes the outward and upward reach of the Kingdom. The parable of the yeast is about its hidden power to permeate all of life. Jesus loved to use familiar scenes and activities to bring his teaching to life and add life to his teaching. Here he used the picture of a woman taking yeast and mixing it with flower and water to bake bread. The “large amount” here is three setas or 39 liters of flour, about 50 pounds, more than anyone would normally bake for domestic consumption. The yeast is made from mineral salt, sugar, water, and starch. Once mixed into the dough, it was completely invisible.
Is God doing something invisible within you?
Has the yeast of faith penetrated all the parts of your life?
If you are marking your children’s growth, show them the progress on a scale.
Ask them whether they are also growing invisibly, on the inside, in their faith.
Do they have more of God’s love and patience?
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