Under Construction, Week 2, Day 9
by David Joynt on August 19, 2019
GENESIS 6:9-10 | These are the descendants of Noah. Noah was a righteous man, blameless in his generation; Noah walked with God. And Noah had three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
The scriptural view of human beings is far darker than the modern progressive view, but it is also far brighter! God’s judgment is not arbitrary—Adam and Eve rebelled, Cain committed murder, Noah will later engage in drunken episodes, Lanech is vengeful, etc. But Adam and Eve are also the object of God’s love and care, he clothed them in their nakedness. Cain is protected with his famous mark, and Noah is worthy of a covenant partnership and a promise. In the New Testament mortal men and women are given a divine destiny beyond their shame. We are at once full of evil desires and also sons and daughters of God meant to be creatures of heaven and followers of a perfect Lord who can shape us in his image.
Essentially wicked, potentially saints; do you agree with this conception of our nature?
Which side of this description do you find it easier to hold on to?
Do you know anyone, who like Noah, walks with God?
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