Under Construction, Week 6, Day 37
by David Joynt on September 16, 2019
NEHEMIAH 1:4 | When I heard these words I sat down and wept, and mourned for days, fasting and praying before the God of heaven.
How much does the work of God matter to you? For some of us it is a priority along side many others. For some it is pretty marginal. For others it is at the center of their heart and their soul. Nehemiah hears of the scary state of Jerusalem. The city lies unprotected without walls or gates. Its citizens are reduced to “trouble and shame.”
The depth of his reaction is telling. He goes into full blown mourning, fasting and praying for days, as if he has lost a family member. The fate of God’s work with his people is at the center of his concern.
Is the fate of God’s people a priority among others for you? Marginal? Or is the center of your heart and soul?
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