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VS. March 12, 2025 Devotional

by David Joynt on March 12, 2025

VS. March 12, 2025 Devotional

COLOSSIANS 3:23 | 23 Whatever your task, put yourselves into it, as done for the Lord and not for your masters


Usually we don’t get to choose our boss, unless we run our own enterprises. Teachers don’t select their principal, nor managers their CEO. It’s the mayor not the rank and file officers who chooses the police chief. As we learn from experience, all leaders are imperfect, but some are more imperfect than others!


Paul in this passage makes a powerful suggestion. No matter what one boss is like, whether he or she is fantastic or fantastically difficult, we should remember that ultimately we are working for the Almighty. We work for God, under the temporary supervision and direction of our earthly authority. God sees our efforts even when the boss is blind. God wants to empower and encourages us to be and do our best regardless of the quality of whoever signs our checks or writes our evaluations.


Whom do you ultimately work for?



Gracious God,

Help me remember, that whatever I do, I do for you.



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