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VS. March 18, 2025 Devotional

by David Joynt on March 18, 2025

PROVERBS 25:16 | 16 If you have found honey, eat only enough for you, or else, having too much, you will vomit it.


Gluttony is harmful to health. If you are like me my desire always outruns my capacity, when it comes to food. Fullness felt does not always mean consumption stopped. This proverb, about finding a honeycomb and eating to the point of vomiting, is a graphic reminder of this. In the ancient world there were additional reasons for over-indulgence, since there was no refrigeration and foods could easily spoil. Feasting often meant binge-eating. In our culture we have such variety and abundance, and so many dining and delivery options, that though we can preserve food for tomorrow, it can be hard to be restrained today.


On a side note, the Romans celebrated over-indulgence and would regurgitate on purpose so they could eat all over again!


How healthy are your pleasures?



Gracious God,

Help me limit my consumption to what is good for my health, energy, and well-being. May my pleasure honor you and your gifts.



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