Series: VS. Virtues of a Risen Savior
Faith VS. Idolatry
February 23, 2025 | David Joynt
Passage: Exodus 20:2-6, Psalms 35:15-18, Isaiah 44:12-17
Series Information

One classic Lenten approach long used during the seven weeks leading from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday, has been to focus on the battle Christian’s face to overcome their false desires. Sometimes called the 7 deadly thoughts, and more often the 7 deadly sins. This list became standardized by the decree of Pope Gregory in 590 AD. Before his action there were several different lists, that in total had 10 vices. There was even one list, by Prudentius, whose name is itself the word for prudence, that focused on the 7 heavenly virtues. Our sermon series, and these devotionals, will update his idea of using virtue to overcome vice, good and beautiful practices to displace false and harmful ones, and extend it, to include 10 ways we can cultivate souls that are whole and holy.
Blessings as you read and pray and think through these themes.