Valley Presbyterian


Mission Statement

In response to the love of Jesus Christ, Valley Presbyterian Foundation encourages, develops, and receives contributions for the endowment of the Valley Presbyterian Church, invests its funds to increase the value of the Foundation's assets over time, and supports the Church's Mission.

Vision Statement

A community where Jesus Christ transforms lives by supporting all Valley Presbyterian Church members to maximize their potential as God's stewards for the long-term benefit of Valley Presbyterian Church.

 Valley Presbyterian Foundation FAQ'sFunds of Valley Presbyterian Foundation

Valley Legacy society

The Valley Legacy Society (VLS) helps provide a long term foundation for VPC.  Members of the VLS desire to continue God’s work past their lifetimes to grow as a Church and to spread God’s love to our congregation and community members for years to come.  There are no start up or annual fees.  Simply name the Foundation in your estate plan.
 A will is the cornerstone of a well-organized estate plan, but it can also proclaim your Christian faith, demonstrating your faithful stewardship to future generations. For more information about leaving a gift in your will, visit our special will website at and enjoy our collection of free "faith and family" resources created with you in mind.
The VLS is comprised of members who have designated the Foundation in their wills or trusts.  If you are ready to become of member of the VLS, simply complete this form and return it to the Finance office at , or mail to the address at the bottom of the form. A Trustee will contact you soon!


Valley Presbyterian Foundation is proud to assist our college students in their educational endeavors as they prepare for productive and faithful lives as God's children.
Our scholars have served their church and community by displaying their faith and using their God-given talents.
Our goal is to offer greater financial help in the future for students requesting help in furthering their studies to attain their career goals.

Scholarship Application

 *Scholarship application period begins March 1 through May 1, 2025*

*Pastor Travis and our Student Ministry on their Mission Trip to Nashville, TN*

Annual Foundation Dinner 

The Foundation Dinner is an annual fundraiser designed to support a specific church or missional need. The event has raised and distributed over $550,000 towards mission and campus improvement costs that directly support our congregation and community programs like Family Promise of Greater Phoenix and Boy Scout Troop 441. 

Get Tickets to this Year's Annual Foundation Dinner

Fund the Need

Fund the Need (FTN) became a popular feature of the Annual Legacy Dinner in 2015. It gave dinner guests the opportunity to directly support a capital need of the church and observe firsthand the results of their gifts within a year. Overall, FTN has raised over $550,000 as of 2023 to give to VPC for improvements and upgrades. Highlights are:


Class of 2024

Class of 2025

Class of 2026

E. David Hetz
Ginny Carter
Doug Eaton
Ed MacDougall
Carol Dillon
Judy Shannon Edens
Curt Ullman
Eric Groen
Michelle Spencer
Miles Pondelik
Allen Mills
Matt Voris