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Broken and the Blessed, Lent Day 21

by David Joynt on March 20, 2017

DAY 21

PSALM 23 | PSALM 46:1-3



Faith can be a hard thing to measure, impossible to quantify. But certainly the test of faith is clear. It is not when the sun shines and we walk beside still waters in green pastures. It is not when the mountains are immovable, and we sense “God is in his heaven and all is right with the world,” as Robert Browning wrote in 1841. No, the test of faith is whether we can trust in the valley of the shadow, in the presence of our enemies, when the earth shakes. Can we trust God when plans fail, when success is elusive, when our life, health, and peace are threatened.



When has your faith been tested?


How did it hold up?


Did you grow during this time?



Read Psalm 23 together and talk about what it means, line by line.

Use it as a prayer of thanksgiving.


Tags: faith

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