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Dwell in the House of the Lord Volume 2, Day 55

by David Joynt on July 31, 2020

Dwell in the House of the Lord Volume 2, Day 55

ROMANS 5:5 | and hope does not disappoint us, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us.

 Hope does not disappoint…sometimes we use the word hope to describe wishful thinking. I’m not saving but I “hope” to retire early. I am not cultivating intentional friendships but I “hope” to marry the perfect spouse. I am not studying but I “hope” to get a 4.0.

 This is not Biblical, Christian hope. Our hope grows out of our experience of God’s amazing love, particularly as that love sustains us in difficulty. We learn to trust God’s sure and certain promises. Hope is not wishful thinking, it is grounded in reasonable faith and genuine experience. Hope shapes our souls and characters, wishful thinking is a distraction and a deception. It robs us of time and doesn’t change us or our world.

 What grounds your hope?

 Do you engage in wishful thinking?


Tags: faith, hope

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