Many times we're asked to walk roads that are difficult and not ones we would choose. When this happens, you aren't walking alone. He is with you every step of the way, and as a part of His church, we are privileged to offer programs that provide Christian support and fellowship to believers and nonbelievers alike.


Hospital Visitation

Lay Hospital Chaplain
Members of the church who are trained and gifted in the area of pastoral care make daily visits to members of the church who are hospitalized or in rehabilitation/recovery centers as well as Hospice Centers

After Care Support
Members of this ministry provide follow-up contact for people released from hospitals and rehabilitation clinics, connecting them to support ministries such as Tasty Spoon, or Stephen Ministry.

At home visitation

At-Home Communion
Let us bring communion to you. Contact our ministry staff for more information.

Baby Welcome
A small group makes contact with the new parents in the church after they have a baby. They deliver a basket of gifts and provide the family with information on baptism, the nursery, Valley Day School, MOPS programs, and Tasty Spoon.

Tasty Spoon

This ministry team prepares/purchases and delivers a meal(s) to congregants in need due to illness, bereavement, hospitalization, financial hardship, or recent new birth of a baby.

Contact Us

Stephen Ministers are men and women identified by the church as compassionate good listeners, grounded in the teachings of the Christian faith, and demonstrating the ability to carefully guard confidences.  Hundreds of our members and visitors have enjoyed the friendship of a Stephen Minister at some point in life.  The services are free and everything you share will be held in strict confidence.  They meet one-on-one with people of their same gender and become supportive friends in Christ.

Learn More

Deacon Ministries are run by the Deacons of the church, who are nominated and chosen to serve
three-year terms. They provide vital services to church members and our community. They are always in need
of volunteers to serve in each ministry area. If you would like to help, please contact Pastor David Turner.


After-Care Ministry
Members of this ministry provide follow-up contact for people released from hospitals and rehabilitation clinics, connecting them to support ministries such as Tasty Spoon, or Stephen Ministry.

Baby Welcome
A small group of Deacons make contact with new VPC parents after they have a baby. They deliver a basket of gifts and provide the family with information on baptism, the nursery, Valley Day School, MOPS programs and Tasty Spoon.

Care Packages
This team sends care packages to college students and active military personnel periodically during the year to express our love to members who are temporarily away from home. Items include food, inspirational mementos and a message from the pastors.

Communion Preparation
An energetic group meets the first Saturday of every month to prepare the communion elements used for the next day’s worship services. They make sure that our worship center is perfectly ordered for the joyous and holy partaking of the Lord’s Supper.

Deacon Fund
This committee oversees the distribution of funds that have been generously donated to the VPC community for the work of the ministries of the Deacons.

First Impression
VPC members trained to be an on-campus welcoming presence Sundays to assist guests by helping them find the services they are seeking, and answer questions or direct them to additional resources.

Flower Ministry
We have a group of very creative and compassionate people who oversee the donation of flowers for Sunday services in the Sanctuary, and also coordinates the breakdown of the flowers into smaller bouquets and coordinates delivery to our hospitalized or at-home friends later that day.

Health & Wellness
Members of the Health & Wellness Ministry work in conjunction with community resources to provide health and wellness related to events such as heart screenings, immunization programs, blood drives, and AED & First Aid training for VPC and the surrounding community throughout the year.

Lay Hospital Chaplains
VPC members who are trained and gifted in the area of pastoral care make visits to community members who are hospitalized or in a rehabilitation center. Visits involve being a good listener and praying with members if appropriate.

Memorial Receptions
This team of volunteers prepares and hosts memorial receptions at VPC. The Chair arranges for adequate paper products, beverages, cookie supplies, and enlists the volunteers to host the event.

Staff Appreciation
An innovative team of Deacons blesses staff members by holding a luncheon in the honor of the Church staff and Valley Day School staff twice a year, as well as providing a little gift for each staff member to celebrate their birthday or ministry milestone.

Tasty Spoon
This team recruits VPC members to prepare fresh cooked meals for someone who is homebound, recently released from the hospital, sick or recently had a baby.

Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of people who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.

Friday Speaker Meeting is open to all in the Landes Center at 7PM.

Saturday Morning at 7AM is a closed group.

Dealing with Loss


The loss of a loved one is devastating for those they've left behind. A Memorial service can be a powerful way to honor and celebrate those closest to us. We encourage you to reach our to Tammy Gallagher: 480-991-6424 ext. 0163, to start the conversation about a Memorial Service, committal, or with questions about VPC's Memorial Garden.

Memorial Inquiries

Dealing with Grief

VPC is a community where you don't have to deal with the storms of life alone. We're here to walk alongside you in your journey. VPC offers Beyond the Broken Heart, a nine-week course for those grieving the loss of a loved one. Experience encouragement and support in this group setting as well as personal and spiritual growth through the healing power of God's presence.

Contact David Turner

Talk with a Pastor

VPC is a community of caring people who want to see you healthy and whole, as God intended! If you need to talk with any of our four Pastors, please click below. If you are in need of rapid assistance, call the main office: 480-991-6424, press 2, and you will be directed to the assistance line.

Talk With A Pastor


Mental Health
One in five U.S. adults experience some form of mental illness, yet it is seldom discussed, leaving those affected feeling misunderstood. VPC's Mental Health Ministry strives to educate the congregation and community at large about mental illness, reduce shame and stigma surrounding mental illness, and support those afflicted, as well as the families and friends who love them. Sign up for a class or email our ministry staff for more information.

Learn More

*If you are someone you know is having thoughts of suicide or harming themselves, please call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline: #988 or 1-800-273-TALK (8255)*

God views our bodies as vessels, amazing machines equipped to do God's handiwork throughout creation! But too often we sacrifice our wellness in ways that cause pain and disease. For this reason, VPC is committed to addressing a variety of health-related issues, bringing awareness to the importance of physical health, encourage healthy habits, and promote an active lifestyle. Workshops are offered throughout the year, we invite you to take advantage of these opportunities!
  • AED, First Aid, CPR Training
  • Blood Donor Events
  • Care for Caregivers 
  • Nutrition and Health
  • Cutting Edge Disease and Wellness Research
For a complete list of upcoming events, click on the link or check our our Events page.


We believe prayer is a vital and fulfilling part of a relationship with God. Through prayer, we give thanks, ask for forgiveness, acknowledge God's power, pray for the needs of others, and pray for our own needs. At VPC we hope you feel free and equipped to pray, regardless of your circumstances. This page is intended to help prayer feel accessible to you, at any time. 

Prayer is not as complicated as many make it look to be. For prayer is simply talking with God and sharing your hopes and dreams as well as fears, thoughts, and concerns. In fact, prayer is more than an event in the course of a day, but rather it’s being in constant communication with God.

Paul wrote, “Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-17)

But prayer is not simply talking with God but prayer also involves listening. Prayer is also about being quiet and listening for God’s direction. Like any healthy relationship, we speak and we listen and the same is true in our relationship with God.

Many times we're asked to walk roads that are difficult and not ones that we would choose. When this happens, remember that you aren't walking alone; God is with you every step of the way! As a part of Christ's church, we consider it a privilege to pray for those in need. Please submit your requests online if you need prayer. If you would like us to pray for someone besides yourself, we ask you to please get permission before sharing their personal circumstances. If you would like to pray with a Pastor, please note that in the form.



David Turner
Pastor of Congregational Care

office: 480-991-6424 ext. 0121