Broken and the Blessed Week 2, Day 4
by David Joynt on January 18, 2017
DAY 11
David mourned when someone he loved died and he also entered into the tragedy of the world’s brokenness, mourning his tormented enemy Saul, whose wounds were self-inflicted. But in our Psalm today, David mourns his own sin and brokenness, in response to Nathan’s courageous naming of his plot to kill Uriah and seduce Bathsheba. Christians recognize, as David did, that the darkness resides not just outside of us and in others, but it lives in our own hearts. David was spiritually ardent, a creator of psalms and prayers. He was spiritually courageous, fighting Israel’s enemies in the name of Yahweh, often when no one else could. He was spiritually disciplined holding back from killing the murderous Saul when he could have acted with impunity. Yet David’s description of his own heart in Psalm 51 is as real and raw and accurate as anything in the bible.
What in your own life saddens you? What in your life saddens God?
Use our Psalm today as a prayer.
What do you say when you say sorry to God? Do you review the lowlights of your day?
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