Thank God it's Monday Devo 54 Oct 28
October 28, 2022
October 28, 2022
February 28, 2017
DAY 52 PROVERBS 21:2 John Calvin comments on this beatitude by saying Christians will suffer because “in their concern for equity and...
February 23, 2017
DAY 47 MATTHEW 5:1-11 The beatitudes answer the question “Who does God help?” God helps the needy, as we see in the first four...
February 08, 2017
DAY 32 MATTHEW 6:12 This beatitude is the only one where the promise corresponds to the state, the merciful receive mercy. This is captured succinctly in...
January 21, 2017
DAY 14 JOHN 11:17-27, 38-44 Jesus’ decision to raise Lazarus was a momentous one. It sealed his fate with the authorities in Jerusalem, and earlier...
January 20, 2017
DAY 13 JOHN 11:17-19 Comfort also comes through the consolation of the community. Burdens shared are burdens lightened. In these few verses we see...
January 19, 2017
DAY 12 JOHN 11:7-17; 28-33 Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted! God brings comfort to us in our mourning in several ways. As...
January 18, 2017
DAY 11 II SAMUEL 11-12; PSALM 51 David mourned when someone he loved died and he also entered into the tragedy of the world’s brokenness...
January 17, 2017
DAY 10I SAMUEL 17:49; I SAMUEL 18:5 II SAMUEL 1:17 David’s mourning for Saul illustrates another aspect of the blessedness of sorrow. Saul...