Broken and the Blessed Week 2, Day 7
by David Joynt on January 21, 2017
DAY 14
Jesus’ decision to raise Lazarus was a momentous one. It sealed his fate with the authorities in Jerusalem, and earlier in this chapter we see the disciples realism about this. But Jesus was willing to die that we might live. The story of Lazarus illustrates this directly. Jesus had the power to reverse the chemistry and biology of death, to reanimate a putrefying corpse. His promise to comfort the mourning rests finally on this fact. Death is not the end for those who believe. Jesus has overcome death itself, initiating a new kind of life stronger than the forces of mortality and disintegration. This form of life can be shared. Loss in our lives is tangible and real, but not final.
Memorize verses 25-26 in Chapter 11 of John’s gospel.
Have you ever felt frustration with God’s timing? Have you ever expressed it? Talk about honesty in prayer. Use Mary and Martha as examples.
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