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Pastor Joynt's Devotionals

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Family Workshops & Milestones

Families are the most influential people in their children's lives. The Bible teaches us in Deuteronomy 6:4-7 that a family is an essential place for passing on the faith. VPC Family ministry seeks to create experiences that equip, empower, and support families in this endeavor. Select any of the workshops below to learn more or to print resource guides! 

Overview of Workshops and Milestones

Train children in the right way, and when old, they will not stray. - Proverbs 22:6

Family Workshops offer singles a place to become intentional about their future, couples a place to work on a strong marriage, parents an opportunity to form the faith of their children, and grandparents a chance to use their influence to point the next generation toward God. 

You'll find resource guides for all of our workshops below as well as on our Family Workshops Articles list located on the VPC Resource page.

An Introduction to Family Workshops & Milestones

Family Workshops

Mini- Explorers

Mini EXPLORERS! is a great extended day opportunity for smaller kids where they will explore the Bible through active, hands-on activities. 
