Marked Devotional 27
April 01, 2022
April 01, 2022
October 08, 2020
July 03, 2018
June 19, 2017
DAY 23 MATTHEW 13:44-46 The Bible not only acknowledges suffering but voices the concern of many that its scale and intensity call into question the...
January 17, 2017
DAY 10I SAMUEL 17:49; I SAMUEL 18:5 II SAMUEL 1:17 David’s mourning for Saul illustrates another aspect of the blessedness of sorrow. Saul...
January 16, 2017
DAY 9 I SAMUEL 18:1; II SAMUEL 1:17 Our capacity to experience sorrow is thus a measure of our capacity to love deeply and engage meaningfully with others...